Lois James Hart Dressage
Driven by Success
Freelance rider, trainer and judge.
Available for training where ever you feel comfortable.
Lois has facilities at home and is able to
work with all riders and all types of horses.
"My lessons are light hearted and fun, working at a pace that is individual to the partnership.
I Will happily take in working livery short term or holidays."

Introducing Parker, he is 7yrs old and was a Christmas present from Paul in 2015, he is like a large dog in temperament, always polite and sweet, we call him the golden child as he can do no wrong.
He was bred by Lianne-Myspires Verity, being a big framed type he is a big mover as well.
He has been mine since weaning,
I spent a lot of time deciding who and how he would, be backed, the formative years are so important, I did all the ground work and at 3 he was ready to get on.
Another large horse with a bigger frame than Caruso he has take time to grow, with plenty of down time and being turned out 24/7 he is very easy going.
He is worked 5 days a week with poles, lunging, schooling and a quiet walk hack in the winter. In the summer he gets more fast work and jumping to keep him occupied.
Parker has really taken to competing he is always placed and we have never had a bad competition yet.
This is Caruso he is 15 yrs old and he has been ours all his life, my 2nd horse and a giant, which has been challenging with training, continually growing until he was 9.
I loved training him early on with Douglas Hibbert before he sadly moved away, I learnt about suppleness from Douglas and this has been carried throughout my training and teaching.
Adam Kemp and Matt Frost helped me learn engagement on Caruso which was challenging with the extra muscles and balance needed to achieve this with his size.
Jayne Turney and I taught him flying changes which he enjoys playing with when I ride him.
Caruso competed affiliated to Medium, qualifying Regionals at Prelim, Novice, Elementary and Medium.
With the increased strain on his large frame from doing the more advanced work, no matter how slowly we took it he just couldn’t cope, so we sadly called it a day with the onward training.
Caruso has taken over from Joe to be an exceptional school master and lunge horse who I now teach on. He is intuitive and caring boy with fabulous rhythm and obedience, teaching how movements should feel.

Introducing Charles, 6yrs and Parker’s full brother, Paul got him as a yearling with a view to bringing him on and selling.
He wasn’t straight forward, even basic in hand training had to be repeated many times before he was confident.
He is a happy little horse who plays and makes friends very easily.
He competed as a 5yr old and was brilliant, with placing every time out, so well behaved. Scores of over 70% are common with Charles he is naturally forward thinking.
The coming year will be interesting with Charles, he has recently turned a corner, I introduced all the lateral work last week and he has just taken all the new knowledge and is working.
He is going out soon at prelim and novice, with the hope of qualifying for regionals.
Last but not least is Milo, he is obviously a miniature Shetland 8 yrs old.
I bought him from Lianne Myspires at weaning and he arrived in the back of a small van.
I took months to find the pony I wanted, Caruso needed a companion, the criteria was, no sweet itch and no laminitis so it ruled out every rescue I looked at. He had to go out with Caruso full time on a lot of grass.
He is such a great pony, he was fabulous inhand and was always placed.
With so much patience with children, never biting or pushing he is a complete delight, I do get offended if anyone calls him a shitland.